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Stay Young America!

Sep 27, 2023

Maria Bower serves as the Director of Spiritual Development for the Prestonwood Christian Academy School System. Maria is a former U.S. Navy Health Information Systems Officer (ACHE) and White House Military Social Aide.  She graduated from The George Washington University with an MBA and has completed certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a Certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer specializing in Metabolic Health, Behavioral Change, Fitness Nutrition, Weight Loss, Pilates, and Women’s Fitness.  She has also served as a YMCA LIVESTRONG cancer survivor trainer.

1:45 How did you get into this realm?

4:40 What happens when you take people away from other people?

7:30 Spiritual, Physical, and then the Emotional

8:40 Have you even investigated connecting the 3 energies?

10:20 Darth Vader reading the bible

13:00 Movement movement movement

18:30 I want energy to serve the kingdom

20:00 Sugar Addictions

23:00 GREED

25:00 People are happier when they eat more food

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